Friday, April 29, 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean : On Stranger Tides

29 April 2011, marked down an important day for Prince William and Princess Kate as they are official married. The royal wedding has become the attention of the worldwide to witness the ceremony on the spot or through media. Because yours truly was one of the fans who sited in front of the television for few hours to watch like others did as well, it really did inspired me to write this blogpost while I was looking at this movie poster. Don't cha think the costume and especially the hats wore by the actors in the poster below somehow similar to the royal family dressing in the ceremony?

Pirates of the Caribbean 4

The best 3 things about being a pirate :

1. Could held a more grand wedding ceremony compared to Prince William and Princess Kate.

The first impression brought out by a pirate is nonaligned naval forces that conduct operations in order to acquire wealth and power. In other word , it is also known as the gangster in the sea. However, pirate is also a normal human being. He needs a partner for life. So married is a norm no matter you are rich, poor, ugly or pretty. Wealthy men is always easy to get the apple of his eyes so is not a problem for him to find a wife.Don't ever underestimate how much can a pirate earn by robbing and stealing seriously!!! He could easily changed his unlikely-look boat to a beautiful yacht with the jeweleries, treasure, money and etc he achieved by doing
"goodness". The ceremony gonna be huge; bigger than the Prince Will & Princess Kate. All the relatives and friends gonna be invited to feel the sea-view while enjoying the wedding ceremony.

2. Have an easy to please wife all the time after married

Often new couple who get married will face financial problem and also comparison of husband's job and etc. Being the wife of the pirate does not have to go through all this kindda shitty problem as the husband has very good skill in stealing and robbing . A jewelery a day keeps the wife happy ! The wife can always show off with her husband's new rob treasure and jewelery in front of her girlfriends. Who said that a lady's man must be a doctor, lawyer or engineer to spend the wife on expensive stuff? If i were the lucky lady chosen by the pirate ; I will definitely jump with joy. And when people around me ask about my husband occupation..I will be proud to tell " HE IS A PIRATE! "

3. Baby pirates to take over his daddy pirates's job

When the pirate's wife is satisfied with what she has now and live , it is easily for the daddy pirate to have more intimacy with the wife. It's like everything is under the control of the daddy pirate. The wife definitely willing to give birth to few adorable kids with the persuasion of the daddy pirate to create a happy family living in a big yacht. Eventually, daddy pirate will get old one day. he could teach and transfer his stealing and robbing skill to his kids when the time comes to make them so called hero & heroin in their own world.


  1. wow i didn't know there was another pirates of the caribbean movie coming !

    No sabía que había otra pelicula de piratas del caribe en camino !

  2. Good luck to you!
    I posted mine too =)

  3. Good luck, pirate! haha XD the baby pirate is so cute!

  4. Good luck my dear friend Sherry!
