Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Venue : Cathay Cineplex E@Curve
Date : June 15, 2011 ( Wednesday )
Time : 9.15pm
Hall : 4
Seating : C13 & 14

It was Mel first time experienced my ride. She was so nervous in the beginning but a while later she adapted to it . Still I failed to park my car, Mel helped me to do it.

Not many of us from the bunch get the preview screening invitation. Only get to meet up with Isaac, Benjamin, Tony and Ken Wooi.

After collected the tickets, we went to fill up our hungry tummy. Someone came out with the suggestion to dine at Vivo so there we went.

Ain't the movie invitation cards cool?

Yours truly was so big head prawn that night. Brought her camera but without battery and memory card. ( picture credit to Isaac )

About the movie..
I could say it's so not girl's type of movie. For me it's kindda power rangers superhero trying to save the world. One thing different is that power rangers don't get to date with hot chic like Blake Lively. Overall I rate 5/10.


  1. Power rangers dont get to date with hot chic :P True true.

  2. lol power rangers... green ranger to be exact! :P

    P/S: Hi! :)

  3. your mind only got power ranger ar? :P

  4. lol, big head prawn? Apa itu? :O

  5. I'm not really interested in this Green Lantern.. lolx~ But the trailer seems like interesting.. LOLx~

    big head prawn = tai tao ha (cantonese)
