Saturday, May 25, 2013


The title says it all. My blog is bored , I am bored. First term of school has ended. Before the holiday, we created a happy ending with the celebration of teachers' day and tea party!

Coincidentally, one of my babies was celebrating his birthday on that day itself. So there it goes with double up happiness. Two is always better than one!

Bradon ( the cousin brother) and the birthday boy Yu Zhe

1A family portrait.  Tiny little ones of mine!

These were the gift I received , even from other class's children. And, also a mystery admirer whom send a gift to school in the morning just to gimme surprise. He asked the morning session teacher to pass to me as I am working in the afternoon. All the teachers kept chasing me and asked " who is the guy? Is not your Jason !" I have no idea also as there is no card or anything attached. Nevertheless, I know who was the one who sent me that. Thank you !

These are all my school chinese tuition 6 years old babies. They were so excited for the tea-party and didn't bring pencil box. Forgive my babies as it was the last day of school, it should be slumber party instead of facing your chinese workbook.

Babies : Shi Hooi, Elizabeth, Yi Li
            Desleena, Zhen Yu

Precious moment with different beautiful smiles. How i wish I am still a kid with no worries. Nevertheless, I treat my student like my own babies. They are part of my life who make me smile when they say or ask something that doesnt make sense, angry when they simply do my work or make noise, cry when i cant control them and let other teachers to scold them on my behalf.


Random :

Hello kitty collection

One more set of hello kitty house have not included here. Now, I am waiting for the hong kong version hello kitty to arrive by this week.

Naked Line brown which i ordered.

After ordered week, another one posted up with....

working suit. This is much more cuter. 10 cm taller than the previous one but price is much more different. The naked one is rm45 (without postage) , this one is rm 85 (without postage). Mahal sial! anyone is kind enough to tell me where can I get this at cheaper price?

Gonna off to Ipoh for 2 days  since the school organized for the teachers. So, we gonna enjoy chatting through the night again. It's ladies talk to discover more secret. XOXO

1 comment:

  1. cute kids! they are fun to play with when they listen to you. but... when they dont...... nightmare!! lol
